GIL & ROY Props · 2805 GILROY STREET · LA CA 90039
Details: Tan ceramic wide mouth round vase with blue and white glazes Dimensions: 11" H x 8" W x 8" D
Details: Green ceramic vase with white glazed flowers and two decorative side handles Dimensions: 8.5" H x 9.5" W x 9.5" D
Details: Gradient brown and green coffee mug with an image of a dog printed on it Dimensions: 4" H x 5" W x 3" D ...
Details: White tea tin with multicolored floral designs and brass acorn handle Dimensions: 16" H x 16" W
Details: Tan ceramic vase with white etching along the side and chimney like spout. Dimensions: 15" H x 6" W x 6" D
Dimensions: 6" H x 4" D
Details: Vase woven from rattan with wide base and reverse tapering top lip Dimensions: 6.5" H x 4" W x 2" D
Details: Contemporary small faceted geometric sculpture with vertical yellow, tan, and grey stripes Dimensions: 1.5" H x 1.5" W x 1.5" D Quantity: 1
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