GIL & ROY Props · 2805 GILROY STREET · LA CA 90039
Details: Small statue of a man that says "World's Greatest Dad" Dimensions: 6" H x 3" W x 3" D Matching "World's Great Mom" available - Item...
Details: Small statue of a woman that says "World's Great Mom" Dimensions: 5" H x 3" W x 3" D Matching "World's Great Dad" available...
Glass award from the 2016 Academic Decathlon Finals in Washington, DC.
Details: Small silver business man trophy that reads "Community Leadership Award 1999" Dimensions: 11" H x 5" W x 5" D
Details: Glass award with blue painted exterior.
Details: Small gold baseball trophy for "Hollywood Boys & Girls Club - Most Improved" Dimensions: 13" H x 4" W x 3" D
Details: Glossy white trophy with an angel on top Dimensions: 17" H x 6.5" W x 4" D
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